Cast the Novel


This is our casting for Tam Lin.  

"Anyone less playful could hardly be imagined.  They were thick-necked and brutal, with flattened noses and scars wandering across their arms and faces.  They both had curling, brown hair that grew low upon their foreheads, ruddy faces, and bright blue eyes" (Farmer 63.)

Tom: Tom was described as a foul tempered ginger who continuously bugged matt. By the description given by Farmer on page 44/45 of the house of the scorpion. This boy seemed to fit that role nicely being as he has the same physical features as Tom is described to have.

Matt: No description was given about matts physical appearance in the novel. All we had to go on were the thoughts of people around him and what his personality is like.


Drawing from examples in the book, this is what we believe Rosa may look like. We know that Rosa is a maid in the Big House and is assigned to take care of Matt. She hates clones and treats Matt like an animal. From this we believe that she looks like an old, very mean and strict looking lady, who has grown
Celia: We believe Celia would be chubbier and a spanish person. We know she would be fatter because in the book Steven states " I know who lives here, its the fat old cook... Whats her name?" (Farmer 10) This is saying she is chubby and we know she is older because she is a maid and lives in the desert. The fact that she walks so far to work every day (which we know because of the distance they had to take Matt to get him to a doctor) she must be very tanned because of the hot sun. Therefore this is what we believe Celia would look like.


We aren't given much of a physical description of Maria.  We know from the beginning of the book that Maria's older sister has "Black hair and olive skin"(Farmer 9) so we assume that she must have some things in common with her sister.  More importantly however, Maria is often spoken of as having a kind face, with innocent eyes.  She is a senators daughter so we imagine she would be wearing a nice little dress on special occasions.  We know she is 6 years old because in the book it says she is the same age as Matt, and he is 6.

We believe this would best be El Patron because he has a nice nature to him but not all the time. He often has lots of times in which he is very caring to the boy. But he also has a commanding nature about him. This makes me feel that there is maybe a nature where he has almost two sides to him. It also leads you to believe that Tam Linns statement is true "he is a tree with twisted branches" (Farmer 70)

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